Yeo Moor Primary School

Yeo Moor Primary School

Supporting your Child's Learning

Communication between school and home is vital in supporting children’s learning. Contact can be maintained through either an informal chat or a more formal meeting. Parent/carer consultation meetings are a valuable way to support your child, to know of successes, to celebrate achievements and be aware of current targets.
Talking to your child about what they have done at school, what they have enjoyed or learned, is an easy way of supporting their learning. By answering these questions and explaining what they have done, children sort, consolidate and remember their learning. Asking children questions, shows that we are still keen to learn and can be taught by them, also not always providing answers immediately can encourage them to think a little deeper.
More active support could include; listening to your child read, reading to them and reading with them, showing how Maths is used in real life, when shopping, cooking or telling the time, – and of course helping younger children to count and, when they are old enough, helping with tables practice.

It is especially helpful when parents know when children are timetabled for activities, for example when their PE lessons are so that kit is at school.

It is also beneficial that parents know if there are projects or homeworks, with which you can help, and then remind the children of deadlines; all such support is appreciated by pupils and staff alike.

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