School Vision
By 2024 Yeo Moor will be a thriving, happy, healthy school community, with outstanding academic achievement underpinned by excellent reading skills, where all pupils are well rounded healthy individuals ready, willing, and excited to fully grasp the opportunities of secondary school
Welcome to the school vision. This document sets out what we intend for this school over the next few years. It is ambitious and importantly it is specific. The school is determined to be the best it can be, and the school leadership expects stakeholders (people like you) to hold us to account.
If you have any questions about the school vision, we would be delighted to talk to you. This vison document has been produced by the people within the school who oversee the strategic direction of the school. The Local Governing Body has been very involved and there has been wide consultation within the school.
Everything the school does will have a relation to what is set out here. Sometimes that will be very clear, for example, our work on reading. Sometimes the link will be less obvious. For example, we might make a decision in a certain way because of how it impacts upon well-being. The point is that all decision making will have its foundation in this vision. This document underpins what we do and is therefore important and hopefully of interest to you.