School opening times
Please click here to view our full attendance policy:
Yeo Moor Primary School Attendance Policy
Morning Registration
Gates open at 8.40am
EYFS children and KS1 children need to be in class by 8.45am.
EYFS children and KS1 children who arrive in class will be time should be marked as late (L)
KS2 children need to be in class by 8.50am
KS2 Children who arrive in class after this time will be marked as late (L)
The gates close at 8.55am prompt
Children will need to use the main visitor entrance if they arrive at school after 8.55am
Children who arrive at school after 8.55am (but before 9.30am) will also be marked as late (L)
Registers are closed at 9.30am and a child who arrives after this time get a U code. This means late after the registers have closed.
Gate closure at the end of the day will be 3.30pm prompt
Afternoon Registration
Afternoon registration starts at 1pm. Children who are returning from being off-site after 1pm but before 1.10pm will be marked as L (late) which still counts as present.
If a pupil arrives after 1.20pm pm they will be marked with the unauthorised absence code ‘Late after registers close’ (U) for the afternoon session. If a pupil arrives late after the afternoon registers close due to a valid reason, such as an unavoidable medical appointment, their absence will be marked with the appropriate authorised absence code.
Typical hours of learning
The typical school weeks consists of 32.5hrs per week.
End of the school day
EYFS and KS1 children finish their school day at 3.15pm
KS2 finish their school day at 3.20pm
Side gate access to school for pick up is from 3pm and gates are closed up at 3.30pm