Yeo Moor Primary School

Yeo Moor Primary School




Yeo Moor Primary School has always been a school community which recognises the place wellbeing has in the lives of its staff, children and families. As such, we are committed to growing a whole school approach to wellbeing which permeates through our community. From school policies to aspects of our daily timetable, from our wellbeing curriculum to working with local community groups, Yeo Moor is working hard to equip, empower and provide our school family with the tools and means to ‘be well’.

At Yeo Moor we recognise five key aspects of life which impact of wellbeing – being active, connecting, being mindful, giving and learning. These five aspects come from the research, thinking and work of the Mental Health Foundation and relate specifically to wellbeing in schools. All schools have a vital role in educating children about the importance of these life skills, but we also recognise our responsibility to staff and families too. As a result, Moor Wellbeing encompasses a variety of facets which are there to support and equip all those connected to our school community. Our goal is to celebrate, provide and signpost to activities which incorporate the five wellbeing influencers for children, families and staff.

On this page you will find useful links to support groups, booklets and general information regarding wellbeing support for families.   If you would like to discuss any issues that are touched on, please do contact Sally Downing, Learning Mentor & Safeguarding Lead on:

 We are always here to support our families. 

The Wellbeing Curriculum

Yeo Moor’s Wellbeing Curriculum is a vital element of Moor Wellbeing. Using Jigsaw as a springboard resource, we not only provide opportunities for building positive wellbeing in school, but we equip children with the knowledge of the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ too. This ensures that children can take their Moor Wellbeing skills into life beyond the school gates.

Term 1: Being Me In My World

Term 2: Celebrating Difference

Term 3: Dreams and Goals

Term 4: Healthy Me

Term 5: Relationships

Term 6: Changing Me

People First Approach

There is an essential feature of Moor Wellbeing which must always be front and centre – the schemes, ideas, programmes and curriculums should be driven by a people-led approach. This is clear from the school’s work towards the implementation of a  ‘Wellbeing Charter’ which will overtly, clearly and comprehensively set out this priority. Secondly, our work is child-led in many key places and we aim to improve, extend and celebrate these aspects of school life as we deepen and refine our whole-school approach.

Wellbeing as a woven thread

Moor Wellbeing is a ‘live’ programme which has both definite, non-negotiable elements and ones which respond to the specific needs of a group of people at a particular moment in time.

When all is not well

At Yeo Moor we have a variety of people, groups and organisations to choose from if you feel that things are not well and you would like support:

  • The school has ensured that there are a number of staff members who have attended Mental Health Awareness training and/or Mental Health First Aid.
  • Our classroom staff are ready, willing and able to listen.
  • Sally Downing, the school’s Learning Mentor (and Safeguarding Lead).
  • The children’s representatives for the child-led work.
  • The Senior Leadership Team.

We also recognise the importance of signposting appropriate organisations outside the school. 

A final note

We will be adding to and refining this information as we go on – wellbeing is never an area to stand still on, so please do return to this page periodically to see what we’re working on next.

Useful links: 

Click here to download the Moor Wellbeing Vision 



Place2be support site 


Family Support Links: 

Pupil support links & parent guidance: